Business partners
At the Workplace Vitality Hub, our business partnerships are essential for developing real-life solutions that enhance the vitality of organizations. By combining strengths and expertise, we create innovative approaches to improving both physical and mental well-being in the workplace—ultimately supporting long-term business success.
Our partners contribute in multiple ways, from providing ready-to-use solutions to pioneering new concepts. They facilitate knowledge sharing, offer access to research resources, and open doors to key stakeholders and emerging markets. Additionally, they play a vital role in research projects conducted by students affiliated with the Hub, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and innovation.
Camille Creemers
Kinly is Europe’s biggest integrator of AV- and UC-systems. We design, develop, integrate and support complex audiovisual and unified communication solutions.
Jasper Otting
"At Wellsystem, we develop solutions for vital work environments that promote employee (mental) well-being and productivity with innovative technologies for modern workplaces."
Smart WorkPlace
Dirk van Gemert
“Kennisplatform Smart WorkPlace deelt vanuit een integrale visie kennis over innovaties, inzichten en onderzoeken die bijdragen aan het realiseren van een duurzame en gezonde werkomgeving.”
Hein Piller de Bruijn
“Inzicht in talenten bevordert de weg naar een vitalere werkomgeving. Medewerkers vinden, verbinden en ze helpen om zichzelf te ontwikkelen op basis van hun talenten: dát kan een organisatie die talentmanagement met TMA implementeert.’’
Bas Habets
“Our cooperating with the Workplace Vitality Hub and all its partners allows us to optimise the interaction between the work environment and the employee, which stimulates healthy behaviour."
Gerard Huiskes
“We believe a vitalizing work environment attracts talent and inspires employees - crucial factors for the success of a company.”
Beyond Eyes
Patrick van Geffen
"We start from the idea that facilities management can be smarter, more efficient and more sustainable. Hence the collaboration with Workplace Vitality Hub. Innovate together and learn from each other."
Remmelt van der Woude
"By experimenting with each other in an ecosystem in terms of technology and end users, we accelerate time to market."
Filip Roscam
"This opportunity for cross-pollination between different industries not only makes it exciting, but is almost certainly going to yield new insights that are going to improve employee well-being."
Robert Ranzijn
"We are keen to explore how we can encourage exercise in the workplace with our proposition. That's why we partner with the Workplace Vitality Hub, knowledge carrier of new technology in the field of vitality."
George Schoof
"We believe that people get more out of life when they eat and drink well and responsibly. MAAS wants to promote an active and healthier lifestyle, where there is also room for a delicious indulgent moment."
Reset Yourself
Michele Periquet & Firouze Zeroual
"Reset Yourself is a science-based, personalized health technology solution. We enjoy working with like-minded people to find different and better ways to improve vitality. Together we are stronger."
Erik Plasmans
"Zens stands for: attention to the whole, focus on a part. With our innovations, we work with other companies to create a better, healthier and more vital workplace."
"The world is looking for sustainable, timeless surface solutions that have a positive impact on people and the environment. With an enthusiastic team of 80+ employees, we strive to deliver the best performing products using the latest technologies available."
"Through a number of assessment tools, we capture employees' feelings about how effectively the work environment they use supports them. Performance is then compared to the world's largest database of its kind on office and home working."
Do you, as an organisation, want to contribute?
Please contact us. We look forward to your innovative contribution.