Research projects
FITTing Persons’ vitality and optimizing their Work Environment
In an increasingly competitive global economy, physical inactivity and burnout rates are increasing. Sustainable employability based on good physical and mental health is therefore crucial, preventing absenteeism and also reducing healthcare costs. POWEr FITTing optimizes the relationship between vitality and the (home) office environment through the combination of data acquisition, integration and application for the validation and acceleration of user-oriented solutions. By taking into account individual, societal and contextual factors, this enables employees to remain both healthy and productive. This benefits companies, individuals and wider society.
Grant programme: Eindhoven Engine
Partners: Fontys, imec, TNO, TU/e, Oranje-Rood
Distributed Artificial Intelligent System
DAIS (Distributed Artificial Intelligent System) is a pan-European project bringing faster, more secure and energy efficient data processing solutions through the development of edge AI software and hardware components. DAIS approach is to provide trustworthy connectivity and interoperability by bringing the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence together in a distributed edge system for industrial applications. The project will feature a large variety of industry driven use cases embedded into the application domains, Digital Life, Digital Industry and Smart Mobility.
Grant programme: Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU)
Partners: DAIS (
LoLiPop IoT
Long Life Power Platforms for Internet of Things
The overall vision of LoLiPoP IoT is to develop Energy Harvesting/micro-power management solutions for Wireless IoT edge devices that enable long battery life sensors to be retrofitted on, in or near equipment and infrastructure. Wireless sensors are the key technology platform to enable us to collect data that will be used for anomaly detection, efficiency and performance monitoring. The trillion-sensor economy of 2025 gives us unprecedented opportunities to exploit such data bringing billions of € in savings and disruptive benefits for industry and society (reduced carbons emission, increased renewable integration, making the world a safer and better-connected place).
In this context, LoLiPoP IoT targets challenges in three types of FUNCTIONALITIES for multiple application domains:
a) Asset tracking
b) Condition monitoring
c) Energy efficiency & Comfort optimisation
Grant programme: European Regional and Development Fund (ERDF)
Partners: I3-INSHAPE - InnoBeweegLab
Indoor air quality at schools and children's health
LEARN is a Horizon Europe project meant to control and evaluate indoor air quality at schools and its impact on children’s health. We will use new scientific methods and state-of-the-art equipment, such as novel sensors to detect air pollutants, advanced biosensors and novel remediation strategies to improve the quality of life for children.
The scientific achievements expected to result from the LEARN project will unlock a large technological potential in indoor air quality for decades to come, which can also be applied to indoor office environments, leading to disruptive societal and political impacts stemming from a radical improvement in the quality of life of children and working people in Europe and their life expectancy.
Grant programme: Horizon Europe
Partners: LEARN project