Move more, sit less

Student: Teyma A.

Organisatie: Ahrend and Workplace Vitality Hub

Coach: Ida damen

Reducing sitting behavior with ‘The Workwalk’ 

In the Netherlands, we see an emerging trend known as the "sitting culture”. Prolonged periods of sitting negatively impacts the vitality, physical and mental health. This increases the risk of both short- and long-term health problems. Prolonged sitting leads to muscle, tendon, and joint issues due to poor posture, and is a risk factor for premature death and cardiovascular diseases. It also reduces blood flow to the brain, resulting in decreased cognitive functions which negatively impact work performance.

Walking meetings, also known as Workwalks, can integrate more physical activity into the workday. Based on empathy and literature reviews, office workers need more information about the health benefits of physical activity, the health risks of prolonged sitting, and how to implement Workwalks. We therefore created a poster , an animated video providing information, along with a checklist to remind office workers about walking meetings.