Workplace Vitality Hub chat & drinks (pitches)

On Thursday 22 June the Workplace Vitality Hub hosted the Innovation Chat & Drinks. Hub manager Marieke van Beurden kicked off an afternoon full of student pitches. Students from Fontys Academy and the Eindhoven University of Technology completed their internships at the Hub: from a work placement such as Move to Health to a complete PhD research study. This was the day of the final presentations, so each student pitched his or her project/research. After the pitches the students hosted an information market, where they could answer questions in depth.

Time to exercise

After the first tour around the information market, everyone had a well-deserved break. But breaks are there to exercise! The audience was set in motion, with squats, jumps, swings and more leg work. Move to Health students Liz Stacie and Iris Kosman of the Fontys Academy lead the fit break, after which everyone was refreshed and ready to continue with round two of the information market.

Information market

The information market gave both the audience and the students the opportunity to dive deeper into the subject matter. Visitors went to the project of their choice, where the students elaborated on their research, results, conclusions and the end product. Please find below a description of these ‘deep dives’:

Interventions by nudging the office environment

  • Stand stickers on the floor

  • Sign stating that the standard is to work in a standing position

  • Poster warning against sitting too long

  • Removing bar stools and chairs to stimulate working in a standing position

  • Deena also experimented with combinations of nudging, but the best option was to remove the chairs. It made more people work in a standing position for longer.


  • Phase 1: Data collection

  • Phase 2: Function, visibility and explanation

  • Julia used the intervention in group situations

  • Recommendations: carefully consider the function of the tool as well as the location and make sure people know how to use it

  • Conclusion: the tool has to be placed in an open space and used during an interactive meeting. Also provide an instruction video and start challenges with colleagues

Lounge Scape

  • Effect depends on physical and social environment

  • An instruction video would be beneficial

  • Karlijn developed a ‘decision tree’. The option to either walk or relax depends on a person’s emotional state. The decision tree offers guidelines to facilitate a choice

  • The sofa has to be placed in a quiet, attractive room

  • New colleagues need to be introduced

  • Sharing experiences, e.g. by a manager, helped in making it more accessible

  • Karlijn tested the sofa at a Fontys location. People were asked how much time they spent on the sofa during work hours. After the manager shared his experience with the Lounge Scape and stated its benefits, it was used more often and longer. Conclusion: keep using and promoting it, this is effective.

At the information market, the following projects were presented:

Breathing patterns, by Rocio Molina Barea (International Communication Management)

Our breathing patterns often have a negative impact on our lifestyle and vitality. A healthy choice is to do some breathing exercises, for instance when using the bathroom. Skipping these breathing exercises is not a healthy choice.

Fittar by Lisa van Hoof (Sport Studies)

Lisa elaborated on the Fittar smart mirror, especially on the question of how to use the mirror and how to make it more attractive to use in the Hub. She also investigated the needs and wishes of people working at the Hub with regards to the mirror.

Leaf the desk outside by Lars Broekhuizen (Applied Psychology) 

This desk is made to be used outside. Lars’ research focused on how employees could be stimulated to use the Leaf desk and why they would have to go outside in the first place. Everything has to do with behavioural change and relevant methods.

Lounge Scape powernap by Karlijn Kuijpers (Sport Studies)

Karlijn’s research focused on stimulating the use of the Lounge Scape. To investigate, she used the sofa made by Ahrend in the Hub and at a Fontys location.

Nudging the office environment by Deena Versluis (Fontys master Healthy Ageing)

Deena’s goal was to decrease people’s sitting behaviour in the office to increase their health and to prevent illness. She placed various nudges in the Hub to measure their effects.

Healthy and sustainable consumption behaviour at the High Tech Campus by Kjara Sofi (International Communication Management) 

The Compass Group promotes sustainability and healthy eating by decreasing meat consumption, among others. Kjara dedicated her research to this topic.

Vitality with immobility by Mylonne Sanders (Entrepreneurship and Retail Management)

Mylonne investigated the possibilities to increase mobility in an immobile target group.

How to stimulate going for a walk during the work day by Jennifer de Brouwer (Applied Psychology) 

The research questions focused on ways to induce employees to get moving. Jennifer created a Strava walking group including challenges. She also created a buddy system and arranged TV screens with motivating images in the Hub.

Hybrid team spirit by Lidewei Angelo (SIC Werkgeluk) 

The idea is to install monitors in different (social) areas in order to maintain a social connection with people that are connected online.

Digital feedback system by Micaela Tamara, Teran Ferrel and Abdullah Ayedh (Fontys/PULSED)

Micaela and Abdullah validated products in the Hub and demonstrated how these products can be used effectively.

Pleasurable trouble makers by Pim Bakels (Applied Psychology)

Pim used nudging to promote health. As examples, he mentioned the piano staircase in London and the goldfish to increase water consumption.

Stress test by Stan van Tuel (Applied Psychology)

Stan focused on the question of how to use technology against stress. Technology picks up on stress signals before people do. Stan measured stress levels in research participants using a watch created by imec, including related factors such as increased perspiration.

Light experiment by Myrta Gkaintatzi Masouti (PhD student Health & Light at the TU/e)

Myrta researched the effects of light on our brains.

A new way of working requires new skills by Ganderd Verhoeven (Applied Psychology)

Ganderd explored the impact of interruptions at work, the hybrid way of working and work autonomy and the effect these have on working effectively. Work autonomy (a good balance helps performance, motivation, work-life satisfaction), working from home (focus and peace) and working at the office (cooperation, social benefits and connection) are beneficial, work interruptions are not (less focus, negative effect).

Sit Fit by Linda Schellenberg (TU/e Industrial Design)

Linda wanted to make people aware of their time sitting and standing at a desk by using a timer placed in an Ahrend desk. 

Drinks & bites

The day ended on a high note with drinks and bites. We would like to thank all the students for their valuable research and wish them the best of luck with finalising it and handing in their end product. We will keep you, the reader, up-to-date on all the (exercise) innovations at the Hub through our social media channels.