The research line Nutrition investigates the impact of food on the vitality of employees. Healthy eating habits are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, also during work hours. On average, employees have two to five eating moments during the day, in which healthy nutrition and sufficient hydration play an important role.

In addition to boosting physical wellbeing, nutrition can also provide a moment of relaxation, social interaction and mild exercise during a working day, in the shape of, for instance, a lunch walk with colleagues or informal conversations at the coffee machine.

NT01 – Healthy, plant-based alternatives

Plant-based milk, such as soy or almond, is not only more environmentally friendly, it also offers health benefits. It lowers the chance of diabetes, heart- and vascular diseases, and various types of cancer.

Opting for plant-based milk does not only contribute to your personal health, but also to a more sustainable planet. Having it as an option in coffee machines gives organisations the chance at a more inclusive and healthy work floor.

NT02 – Vitamin water to hydrate your working day

Hydrating your body is vital, specially in the dry office air. Employees should be encouraged to drink water as much as possible.

This smart water dispenser offers high-quality, cool and filtered water. With the added vitamins this dispenser contributes to employees’ health and vitality.

NT03 – Healthy food for a brain in action

Healthy food is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, also during work hours. On average, employees have two to five eating moments during the day. Integrating so-called brainfood can boost vitality on the work floor.

Brainfood are foodstuffs with a high nutritional value. They feed the brain, improve cognitive capacity and maintain a healthy brain balance. For instance, blueberries can reduce stress, dark chocolate can make you feel happy and walnuts can boost your memory.

NT04 – Hair analysis to measure your vitality

Using the Reset Mineral Analysis, hair analysis reveals a range of biomarkers for minerals and toxins in the body. This data is highly valuable, considering their significant impact on a person’s whole adaptive energy and vitality.

Insight in a person’s metabolism enables the development of personalised interventions to improve adaptive energy, optimally boosting health and vitality.