
To boost workforce vitality, Fontys, imec, TNO, TU/e and HTCE have founded the Workplace Vitality Hub in 2021. Located in building 85 on the High Tech Campus, the Hub functions as a ‘smart office’, where the founding companies combine their knowhow and expertise with that of other organisations. The goal is to develop innovative, efficient and applicable solutions for a more vital work environment.

Living Lab

Our Hub acts as a Living Lab, where we collect data for various research studies. We use this data to gain insight in the impact a smart, innovative office environment has on the vitality of the people that work there. We collect this data through questionnaires, interviews and sensors that measure air quality, temperature and activity, among other things.

Come and see our innovations

At the Hub, we show products as well as research results of new technologies and their applications in an active office environment. People and their individual needs take centre stage. Our four lines of research are: Mental Health, Physical Office Environment, Data-Driven Office Environment and Nutrition.

By applying smart and intuitive technologies, we want to discover how we can improve employers’ vitality and how we can make our offices healthier places to work in. In the Hub you can see various innovations: from personalised office furniture and adjustable lighting to toolkits for meetings-on-the-move, connective coffee breaks, chairs and sofa beds to relax on during work hours and smart meeting solutions.